• How to Join

    1. Get your commuter matchlist. Just send us your point of origin, work location, and your hours and BTS will generate your matchlist. Contact Allison Kemp at akemp@bethesda.org or call 301-301-656-0868 x121.
    3. Contact your matches. BTS makes introductions easy! Before you even get your list, we contact each potential match to let them know that someone may be interested in driving with them. So when you call to discuss carpooling they are expecting you. This gives you a better opportunity to get to know them, talk about specifics, and maybe even meet them for coffee.
    5. Sign up for Guaranteed Ride Home. Register with Commuter Connections online or call 1-800-745-RIDE (7433) to ensure you have a guaranteed FREE ride home in the event of an emergency.
    7. Apply for a discounted Carpool Parking Permit. Even a carpool with as few as two occupants is eligible for reduced monthly parking rates, and the larger the carpool the larger the discount. Carpoolers can save as much as $85 a month!
    9. Check out these important Pooling Tips! They're sure to help make your pool a great experience.

    Please Note: In order to provide the carpool matching service, it will be necessary to furnish applicants some information from your registration form, but only the information that is required to facilitate matches. Bethesda Transportation Solutions makes no background checks or other verification of the information that it receives from applicants. BTS will not be liable for disclosing this information nor will it be liable because of your participation.